Thank you Lord, for the love we share, for bringing us together in the shelter of Your care, for kindness, patience, gentleness to help us live as one, and for Your presence always in the life we've just begun.
Christian Anthony Widodo
The Second Child of Mr. Ir. Stephanus Widodo (Lie Kie Siang) & Mrs. Lily Ratna (Tan Hong Eng)
Congrats for your great day...semoga selalu berbahagia..Mr &Mrs Cristian
Sufriadi Lee & Family
Happy wedding Chris&Paulina
Erwin Yonathan & Family
Happy wedding chris n fanny bahagia selalu 🙂
We would be honored and delighted if you can join us for our special day, whether near or far, to be united, celebrate, and share blessings and prayers together